01.4.2018 Art Gallery Sculpture

Kilian Mehringer
3D Artist

If you cant afford it to present your art in a real gallery, the only way is to create a digital one.
After finishing the ArtDeco Sculpture for home4art.de i had the image of this clean Gallery with natural light going trough a shaft in the roof. It was no question that i had to realise this image. And im very happy how it turned out. Its a preset now. So i can do alot of stuff with it in the future. And its great to present art or other CG Models in it. I already finished another project with it exclusively for Visuals3D.

Another great side effect is that i had the chance to test me in interrior Design and in the first place in interrior lighting. Long ago i was working on architectural visualisation. It makes a lot of fun to bring your ideas to life and see this fast results.
especially when light starts to flood the scene.

weekly render wireframe image of Art Gallery Sculpture



weekly render shaded image of Art Gallery Sculpture


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