25.12.2017 Rose Artillerie

Kilian Mehringer
3D Artist

After i started to play around with all the cool physics simulations Blender can do. I decided to try smoke again. I never really did smoke simulations in the past. The last one i did was for an art project on home4art.de :

It was time to try it again. The idea was to split an object in parts and let them follow a particle system wich should look like an explosion. Thats very easy to create in blender with the explosion modifier. After some changes to the generated particle system it looked like i want it to be.
Next step was the smoke. And again this is pretty easy with the blender given quick smoke function. Again some changes to the generated settings and there was nice looking smoke and fire following the single parts flying around.
But it was impossible to render the scene. It always chrashes instantly. So i needed to change a lot of the smoke settings until it looked like the result you can see here. Extremely voxelized and without any details.
I played around some more after this animation was fully rendered and i guess it is possible to get it render successfully by changing the path tracing options to direct light and reduce the amount of calculation needed to render the image even more to get room for emproving the smoke quality.
But it alsow could be possible that i just need a more powerful graphicscard...

I got the sounds from US Government agency Videos. Luckily all of them are public domain

weekly render wireframe image of Rose Artillerie



weekly render shaded image of Rose Artillerie


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