10.12.2017 HairWaves

Kilian Mehringer
3D Artist

This weeks render is a Blender hair simulation. The coolest part on Blender hair is that it works as particels. And particles are effected by all types of force fields. With this force field it was simple to create hairwaves and animate them.
After i finished the hair shader and rendered the first tests i know it needed some aditional objects to cover the root of the hair emitter object.
The idea was something like a box or vase where the hair moves in. At first i started with glass that completely surrounds the hair. But it took ages to render so much glass. The second idea was to give it something like flower pod. So i just added a cylinder and edited it a bit to look not that simple. To add the Logo on to the curve of the cyclinder was surprisingly complicated but worked out well after some tweaking. A few tests later i had a cool looking shader for the pod. A pbr metal shader with rougness texture and a bit of displacement.

To give this render the last touches i added a strong light source into the base of the top and started the render.

weekly render wireframe image of HairWaves



weekly render shaded image of HairWaves


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