26.11.2017 Winter trees

Kilian Mehringer
3D Artist

This winter render was a try to make a realistic looking snow shader. Like the one used in EAs battlefront. For me it was important to create this cool reflecting particles on top of the snow. To get this look i tried some ideas wich could work.
But at the end i just created a reflection texture, to definde the roughness of the shader. And it worked well. The 100% reflective parts of the texture create the cool light effect and the less reflectiv parts with higer roughness create the smoot looking snow blanket.
They also change with the camera angle, and moving light sources. The only thing i cant make possible in this weeks render was to find a efficient and fast way to face the light refractionto get this rainbow color effects on the snow.

After i finished my shader i needed a cool scene for it so i created a simple landscape played around with some volumetric light but swoped it out with a post processing solution by using the z-depth of the scene to safe a lot of render time.
But the scene looks so empty. To solve this problem i added some generated trees and give them the Visuals3D red as base color.
And after all this it was ready to render...

weekly render wireframe image of Winter trees



weekly render shaded image of Winter trees


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